Ya Heard?

So in love with the Maccabees!
18 May 2009, 11:00 pm
Filed under: Movies, Music | Tags:

I’m loving the Maccabees right now, therefore here’s a short documentary from their Youtube!

Dear Diary…..
14 May 2009, 10:07 am
Filed under: Life | Tags:

I’m going to start a diary. Maybe it’ll help me out when my issues. How much are those moleskines people keep talking/blogging about? Maybe it’ll make me feel/ look artsy. I could make it my photo album for my Fuji Instax Mini photos too! I really need to use it. I haven’t taken pictures with it since I went on a photo taking spree when I got it.

“Why would you want to go there?????????”
14 May 2009, 8:40 am
Filed under: Life | Tags:

Yesterday, I was online job hunting for the majority of the day (at work). That should tell you how slow it is around here. During this job hunt, I found out I could actually be a teller at a bank without having any experience. Right now it sounds way better than working at any fast food restaurant, so hopefully I’ll get hired. The application required me to do basic algebra, something I haven’t done in about two years. I thought I was going to DIE. That part was so not fun. Fingers crossed I’ll get hired, seems like an easy enough job. My co-worker,who used to work in a bank, says it’s pretty much like what I do here. I contemplated working at Starbucks, but I would probably drink coffee the majority of the day (probably not very good for me).

A few hours after I completed the arduous task of filling out the application, a girl that works in the office next door came in and I asked her if she knew of any jobs in LA. Her response: “Why would you want to go there?” My answer: “Because I’m from there!” I should have said: “Because it’s everything San Diego will never be!”

13 May 2009, 10:03 pm
Filed under: Music, TV | Tags: ,

Guess who’s song is featured in an AT&T commercial? No other than New Young Pony Club! The song is called “The Bomb”.


I just realized this blog seems to be transforming into “Name that Song on that Commercial”.

Victoria(Hesketh)’s Secret
13 May 2009, 9:16 am
Filed under: Fashion, Music, TV | Tags: ,

The other day after hearing my new favorite songs, “No You Girls” by Franz Ferdinand on the Hills, I was talking to my roommate while commercials were on when “Meddle” by Little Boots came on on a Victoria’s Secret Commercial.


Special K Diet
12 May 2009, 5:32 pm
Filed under: Food | Tags:

Special K Original, originally uploaded by Kellogg’s Press Office UK.

I’m on the Special K Diet. I’m supposed to eat it twice a day with one normal meal as well. I’m also supposed to eat Special K products as snacks, but I’ve decided to not do this because Number 1: I’m too poor and Number 2: I would much rather eat fruit. So far I haven’t noticed any difference but it’s only been one week. I have been feeling a little dizzy, but that might just be the bad air quality at my job. We’ll see. I should start a diary a la Bridget Jones to keep track and hopefully be as witty.

On Repeat: The Smiths
12 May 2009, 5:11 pm
Filed under: Music | Tags:

“There is a Light that Never Goes Out”

This is my new  favorite song. Such a beautiful song! I want to sing it to someone or for someone to sing it to me.

Also, I want to be as stylish as the Smiths were when I grow up.

Jamie Cook looks Folk
9 May 2009, 12:02 pm
Filed under: Music | Tags:

Jamie Cook looks like he could be in a folk band.
Did I miss the change from Diddy to P. Twitty?

So Arctic Monkeys are playing Lollapalooza and Austin City Limits this year. Unfortunately, going to these would set  me back on studying a semester in Oxford. Why wasn’t I born rich or with enough money to venture off to far away places? I’ve been unsuccessfully trying to win the lottery for a chance at going. Hasn’t worked yet.

No Kind Words [Sadly the new anthem to my life]
9 May 2009, 12:00 pm
Filed under: Life, Music | Tags:

I’m sick of my friends (or my “frenemies” if you will.)

This wonderful Maccabees song is for them.

I can’t wait until school ends. Apparently this might come sooner than we all thought!

Estoy Aqui Tambien// I’m here too
1 May 2009, 4:52 pm
Filed under: Blogs | Tags: ,

Tumblr is pretty.

I’m always about being neat (online that is …  my room is a mess).

Visit me HERE too!